Not Fond of the Chair

I’m grateful for modern medicine and for those who dispense it.

The Dispensing

Friday morning, I arrived at the Dentist’s office, relaxed but apprehensive. I’ve never been fond of the chair.


  • The pain
  • The drilling
  • Hands in my mouth
  • Sharp metal instruments
  • Did I mention the pain?

Friday’s appointment was to repair a cracked tooth and some decay on another tooth; both discovered at my regular checkup two weeks ago.


That’s what they call them, crowns, and I got two, an upper and a lower, both on the left side. I thought I would get a filling and a procedure for the cracked tooth. Nope, the damage was deeper.

He drilled and drilled and drilled. He drilled like an oil field driller. I thought, “He’s going to strike oil any moment.”

They told me in the front office that it would take about an hour. But it took three. Were they charging by the hour?

Not me or my Dentist, but close, really very close.

And Then

Then it was done. The temporary crowns were fitted and I was out the door, numb to my knees. Well, not really. But it felt like it.

I haven’t needed serious dental work in years. My checkups have been excellent, no cavities, no anything at all, “Good job Mr. Fyffe.”

But not yesterday. 

I’m Grateful

Still, I’m grateful for modern medicine and for those who dispense it. Thankful for Dentists who take great pains to ensure that I don’t. Truthfully, there wasn’t any pain. Even the anesthesia shots were preceded by a topical agent that numbed the gums.

Doctors, Oncologists, Dentists, Cardiologists, Surgeons, Nurses, Specialists and on and on and so many others. The marvels of modern medicine are magnificent.

To Close

I still don’t like the chair. But it sure beats the alternatives. 

“Be joyful always. Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  I Thessalonians 5:16,18


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